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Up North
A hike in Sonfjället National Park

A mountain breakfast above the tree line, with Sandqvist founders Sebastian Westin and Daniel Sandqvist.

The Sonfjället national park has always been a great source of inspiration for us at Sandqvist. Having a cabin nearby has made it possible going on hikes; on skis during the winter and by foot during the summer, spring and fall.

At Sandqvist, the Nordic nature means everything. We pick up all our ideas, inspiration, lust and ambition from the cold mountains, deep forests and roaming waters.

Sometimes we camp in a tent overnight, but this time, during late fall, we decided to sleep in the cabin and get up really early so we could meet the rising sun while having breakfast on the mountain. When we began walking there wasn’t much snow at all, but as we ascended more and more covered the ground, until we were walking on a thick windswept layer of snow.

We kept on walking for an hour or two, and when the first rays of morning sun appeared above the peaks, we sat down in a sheltered ravine and ate our breakfast with a scenic view, high above the tree line.

Sonfjället national park is one of Europe’s oldest national parks, established 1909 to preserve heath lands and give the, back then, almost extinct bear, a sanctuary. Now days the park is one of the most important and most populated strongholds for bear in Scandinavia, and if you’re lucky you might get to see one in a distance. Other animals living in the National park are moose, wolverines, lynx, rein deers and musk oxen. The highest peak of Sonfjället reaches 1 278 meters high.


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