Sandqvist meets Advanced Rock

When hiking, the journey the main event. That doesn’t mean you can’t stop and enjoy the view, however. Especially when exploring the stunning Welsh landscapes.

Recently, we challenged the Gorp Girls to partake in 3 Peak Challenge UK to field test our Hike bags. We talked to .css-19rev2{-webkit-column-gap:0px;column-gap:0px;row-gap:0px;display:grid;}@media screen and (min-width: 0em){.css-19rev2{grid-template-columns:repeat(1, 1fr);grid-template-rows:repeat(none, 1fr);}}

Q: How did you get into hiking?

A: I got into hiking through rock climbing. I’ve climbed for 6 years with the majority of that time being outdoor climbing, so I was always searching for new spots to climb which naturally lead to going on longer walks or checking out new locations.

Q: How did advanced rock come about?

A: It actually started with a different name and I would only post videos of climbs I’ve done or scans from old climbing/walking magazines. I have always been fascinated by the outdoors and all of the gear, I’d regularly post things I liked on the stories and noticed the page starting to gain some traction, that’s when I changed the name to ‘advanced.rock’ and started to post more regularly.


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